Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One question

There are a lot of lessons in Hebrews 11, but for tomorrow morning, only one question to start things off:
  1. Look at all the heroes of faith in this chapter:
    1. Abel
    2. Enoch
    3. Noah
    4. Abraham
    5. Isaac
    6. Jacob
    7. Sarah
    8. Joseph
    9. the parents of Moses
    10. Moses himself
    11. Joshua at the walls of Jericho
    12. Rahab the prostitute
    13. Gideon
    14. Barak
    15. Samson
    16. Jephthah
    17. David
    18. Samuel
    19. the prophets
    There is something special about Abel. There's something about his life that cannot be said of any of the others. Also, the words in this chapter attached to Abel have a subtle difference compared to the words used with all the other heroes. Can you spot the differences?

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