Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hebrews 12 questions

We will study a bit of chapter 11 and then dip into chapter 12 this morning. Here are a few questions.
  1. From chapter 11, what kind of miracle did the writer keep mentioning in the lives of so many of the old testament saints? There was one kind that was mentioned several times.
  2. The cloud of witnesses: does anything about it change with the passage of years?
  3. Name the top two witnesses in the cloud of witnesses, in your opinion. Why did you focus on those two?
  4. How does the cloud of witnesses affect our conduct at prayer?
  5. How does the cloud of witnesses affect our actions as we go about our day?
  6. At Sunday Mass, how do our prayers and actions reflect the presence of the cloud of witnesses?
  7. If someone works one of the ordinary works of mercy, even evangelization by hospitalization, does that action exist in isolation, unconnected with anyone else?
WHAT!? Those questions only cover verse 1! We might not get very far into chapter 12 this morning. :)
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