Words of encouragement

The Church teaches that the laity "exercise the apostolate in fact by their activity directed to the evangelization and sanctification of men and to the penetrating and perfecting of the temporal order through the spirit of the Gospel."

That being the case, we can look to the Holy Spirit, "Who sanctifies the people of God through ministry and the sacraments gives the faithful special gifts also..."
  1. To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit;
  2. to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit;
  3. to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues.
  4. But one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes.
Words of encouragement or exhortation are used for building up the body, as all the gifts are:
  1. let us exercise them: if prophecy, in proportion to the faith;
  2. if ministry, in ministering; if one is a teacher, in teaching;
  3. if one exhorts, in exhortation; if one contributes, in generosity; if one is over others, with diligence; if one does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.