Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mr. Zacchaeus and the sycamore tree

In Ch. 19 of Luke, we read about worthy Zacchaeus and the sycamore tree. Here are a few study questions to work on:
  1. Jesus came to save the lost. But did Zacchaeus act as if he were lost?
  2. How would you feel if you were hustling and bustling to find Jesus, and then you turn the corner and hear Jesus call out, "Aha! Just the man I was looking for?"
  3. How dignified was it for the top IRS man in Jericho to hustle about and climb a sycamore tree?
  4. Zacchaeus gave half of his belongings to the poor, then repaid victims fourfold. What was Zacchaeus' extortion rate?
  5. Is fourfold repayment a true restitution?
  6. Did the man who hid his gold in a handkerchief commit a sin or omit a righteous action? Sin of commission or sin of omission?
  7. Is usury OK with Jesus?
  8. The parable of a king and his three servants ends rather harshly. Is there any resemblance between this king and the Lord Jesus?
  9. It is interesting to think about the contrast Jesus makes between how Zacchaeus handles money and how the ten servants of the parable handle their money. What did Jesus accomplish with this pair of teachings, side by side?
I think this last question, #9, will be the most helpful for us, as we seek to become doers of the Word.
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