Thursday, August 22, 2013

The mind of Christ - Psalm 118

If one reads carefully in chapters 19 and 20 of Dr. Luke's gospel, one finds several references to Psalm 118, including Jesus making a razor sharp explanation that concludes His parable of the vineyard.
But he looked at them and asked, "What then does this scripture passage mean:

The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone?

Everyone who falls on that stone will be dashed to pieces; and it will crush anyone on whom it falls."

YOUCH! The two-edged sword is sharp as sharp!

That being the case, it behooves us to dip backwards and take a short look at this mighty psalm, Psalm 118. Here are a few questions on this psalm:

  1. In the first four verses, the psalmist exhorts
    1. Israel,
    2. the house of Aaron, and
    3. those who fear God
    tp give thanks to God. Is there a group of human beings that are permanently outside this set of three groups?
  2. Is the psalmist in danger? Is he a weenie or is he brave? What kind of danger was Jesus heading into?
  3. What was the thing about Jesus that most scandalized the Pharisees?
  4. Was the Lord Jesus ever encircled during the betrayal and crucifixion? Did he ever cut anyone off?
  5. Was the Lord Jesus chastised during the betrayal and crucifixion?
  6. How did shouts of deliverance sound during the betrayal and crucifixion, if at all?
  7. Can you see Jesus joyfully exclaiming, "Open for me the gates of righteousness! I shall enter them and thank God"?
  8. How does this view of Jerusalem square with what Blessed John saw in the Revelation? Sneaky peek: Rev. 21.
  9. What does the Church teach about the Lord’s Day? Which day is THE day that the Lord has made?
We will study this Thursday in Psalm 118, and, in that, seek to "learn him," seeking as always to become doers of the Word.

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