Thursday, September 9, 2010

Questions for the race

The 12th chapter of Hebrews uses several metaphors for Christian life. Let's use these questions to gaze into the meaning of those words.
  1. Endurance is mentioned several times in the context of a race or combat. What is it that we must endure in our race, our combat?
  2. Jesus, Author and Perfecter of Faith. A lovely title. In what way can the faith be perfected?
  3. Jesus endured opposition from sinners. What did sinners do to generate this opposition?
  4. What scourged Jesus?
  5. What scourged Israel?
  6. What scourges us?
  7. Jesus had disciples, Peter, James and all the rest. But what disciplined Jesus?
  8. What forms discipline in a military unit?
  9. Verse 12 exhorts us to strengthen weary hands and paralyzed knees. What? Why not strengthen spine or some big muscle? In this race of endurance, why strengthen hands?
  10. In this epistle, Jesus gets the name, Author and Finisher. What is the famous name of Him in the heavenly Jerusalem that has a similar ring to it?
  11. From Revelation, what do you recall as the main activity of all the creatures in heaven, men and angels, strange looking beasts and powerful Cherubim?
Now we have a set of questions to guide us through chapter 12 to its last verse! It is a good morning to gaze into the Perfect Law of Freedom.

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