Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can you savvy these questions in Hebrews 10?

Here are some questions to think over as you prepare for Thursday morning.
  1. Re-read Romans 7:7. How does Paul's concept about the Torah compare to Hebrews 10:3?
  2. Prior to the actual moment of crucifixion, what was the moment of most extreme suffering for Jesus?
  3. Is it possible to offer your life to God but not offer your will?
  4. In v. 20, there is a mention of a new, fresh way into the true tent. Is there an everyday way for us to follow Him through this veil?
  5. Carefully read verses 19-25. Do you notice any kind of a special list of familiar things?
  6. What kind of endurance is required of us? What are we asked to endure?
The perfect law of freedom in this section of Hebrews is loaded with everyday concepts for us to apply. If you sort through these six questions, you will be prepared for Thursday morning, although, as always, you must EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED.
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