Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some thoughts from the men about the center of the heavenly liturgy

Here are some of the findings from this morning's study session:

Why is there a veil in Moses' copy? Did he see a veil up in the mountain?

German: something still to be completed and Moses was not to see it.

Ken: It is similar to the cherubim and fiery sword guarding the way back to the tree of life, Gen. 3:24.

Joe: Paul describes something like this in 1 Cor. 13, "At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror..." etc., which also describes the moment of judgement for a Christian.

When we celebrate the eucharistic sacrifice at Mass, is that a different sacrifice from the sacrifice of the Messiah on the Cross?

German: no, and Fr. Derk describes it as an echo of the moment of the crucifixion.

How can we unite ourselves with Jesus' sacrifice, even though we are each imperfect?

Len: be in the state of grace. Faith in Jesus is primary importance. Then comes duty to support your family.

Bob: prayer and the works of mercy.

In response to the TRUE/FALSE question about the timing of the sins that Jesus died for on the Cross, Jim repeated a phrase, "I make all things new." It is from the Revelation, but famously inserted into the walk to Calvary in the film Passion of the Christ. And it leads to the prayer we recalled today, the prayer over the paschal candle:
Christ yesterday and today
the beginning and the end
and Omega.
All time belongs to Him
and all the ages.
To Him be glory and power
through every age forever. Amen.

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