Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Questions for Thursday

We continue our consideration of the priesthood of Jesus with his sacrifice on the Cross, and our own common priesthood with Him. Here are some questions that rise from chapter 8 of Hebrews.
  1. We read that Jesus is a "minister" in the sanctuary. Does a minister act only for himself?
  2. What other book in the Bible mentions the true tabernacle?
  3. In Greek, v. 5 describes the sanctuary of earthly priests as a pattern and a shadow. Here are some sub-questions:
    1. If an object casts a shadow, is its pattern a true representation of the object in itself?
    2. When can shadow tell you everything about the object itself?
    3. If the earthly sanctuary is a shadowy pattern, what is the source of the light that surrounds the shadow?
OK, that is a good start. See you on Thursday morning!
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