Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Study questions for Hebrews 9

Here is a good set of questions to review for Thursday's session:
  1. Why did God require a veil in the tabernacle he set up for Moses and the Hebrews?
  2. Brain burner: If God allowed Moses to glimpse the true tent in heaven, and if God commanded Moses to set up the tabernacle according to what he saw up on the mountain, then why is there a veil in Moses' copy? Did he see a veil up in the mountain?
  3. TRUE or FALSE: "Jesus died on the Cross for all the sins committed up to that point in time, but not for those that occurred after that day."
    1. If TRUE, try again.
    2. If FALSE, what were the other sins that Jesus died for?
  4. Was Jesus hostile to the temple in Jerusalem?
  5. When we celebrate the eucharistic sacrifice at Mass, is that a different sacrifice from the sacrifice of the Messiah on the Cross?
  6. Can you identify or describe the center of the liturgy in heaven that honors the Father?
  7. Do you recall the prayer for the paschal candle that the pastor recites at the beginning of Easter Vigil?
  8. Jesus passes through the perfect tabernacle to make the perfect offering of himself. How can we unite ourselves with Jesus' sacrifice, even though we are each imperfect? What about the saints, like Blessed Polycarp the Bishop of Smyrna or Blessed Maximilian Kolbe martyr at Auschwitz?
That is a long list of questions, and this is a big chapter, loaded with wisdom. We will gaze into it more thoroughly on Thursday morning.
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