Thursday, March 21, 2013

Feeding the five thousand

Some of the interesting findings from today's session, in which we studied vv. 1-27:

Is there any sign of contradiction in this first part of Ch. 9?

  1. Dave: Jesus told them NOT to blab about being Messiah.
  2. Len: Jesus does not want to be put up to be king. Instead, he has to be killed, then raised up.
  3. Ken: The Gerasene man from the previous chapter was a sign of contradiction in that Jesus DID tell him to tell his story back in his hometown.
  4. Ken: Jesus giving the Twelve his own power and authority is a sign of contradiction in that they do similar things that led to such acclaim for Jesus, yet Jesus did not mind them "stealing his thinder" this way.


After the Twelve return from their initial mission, they are part of the feeding of the multitudes. How are we to regard this miracle in terms of the training of the Twelve?

  1. Len: Jesus now teaches them what they're going to be doing, from an unending supply, similar to the Eucharist.
  2. Ken: This feeding of the five thousand with such a small supply -- five loaves and two fishes -- complements their previous mission orders to take nothing for the journey.

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