Thursday, March 21, 2013

Into Ch. 9 of Dr. Luke's gospel

Here we go into Ch. 9 of Dr. Luke's gospel, beginning the mission of the Twelve.
  1. How effective were the previous miracles and other events, described in chapters 7 and 8, for instance, as preparation for the mission which Jesus gives the Twelve here in v. 1?
  2. We have various orders in the Church: bishops, priests, deacons. How does their mission compare to this mission of the Twelve?
  3. The multiplication fo the loaves is the only miracle, other than the Resurrection, that all four gospels recount. Why is it so important?
  4. After the Twelve return from their initial mission, they are part of the feeding of the multitudes. How are we to regard this miracle in terms of the training of the Twelve?
  5. What is the central information here that prepares the Twelve for their main mission which is still to come? Everything in their mission revolves around... what?
  6. St. Augustine says that every visible sacrifice is a sacrament, that is a sacred sign, of the invisible sacrifice. (City of God, x, 5). In these first few dozen verses of Ch. 9, how does this visible and invisible relationship appear?
  7. Is there any sign of contradiction in this first part of Ch. 9?
We have a lot to think about, especially as it concerns our own mission, following the Twelve and the Messiah.

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