Thursday, March 14, 2013

Finishing Ch. 8

Here are a few questions to round out our look at chapter 8.
  1. Are your ears as willing to listen as the "ears" of the storm in vv. 22-25?
  2. Was the Gerasene man (v. 26ff) a Jew or a Gentile?
  3. What were the numerical odds against Jesus versus the demons in the Gerasene man?
  4. Why didn't Jesus allow the Gerasene man to follow in the company of the twelve?
  5. Would there have been a conflict between Jairus and the woman with the flow of blood?
  6. What effect does it have on the listener that Dr. Luke includes the story of the woman with the flow of blood inside the story of Jairus and his daughter?
Let's start thinking it over with a cup of coffee this morning.
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