Thursday, April 11, 2013

A second mission

An artist's view of Magnificat, deluxified

Moses selected seventy elders in Israel during a time of nagging and strife concerning manna but NO other food. Now Jesus selects seventy and sent them out with authority. Here are some questions to help us dig through the beginning of Luke 10 and the mission of the seventy?

  1. What was similar in the two stories, Moses and his seventy elders compared to Jesus and his group of seventy?
  2. Did Jesus follow his own directions? I.e., did he travel light, like the seventy?
  3. What was the ultimate objective for the seventy? How would it all look if they had accomplished their mission?
  4. How does the scholar's question relate to the mission that the seventy had just accomplished?
  5. Review the Magnificat. How does Jesus' prayer of exultation in vv. 21, 22 compare to Mary's exclamation known as the Magnificat?
This is plenty to think about as we seek the Lord's heart through studying his scripture.


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