Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Questions in Psalm 128

Of all the 150 psalms, one of the greatest is Psalm 128, even though it is a short psalm: small yet mighty.

Here are a few questions to consider while reading and studying this psalm:

  1. The second verse is literally about eating the labor of your fruits, instead of the fruits of your labors. Why is man who lives from the labor of his hands greater than the one who fears the Lord (v. 1)?
  2. If we think of this psalm as describing the Messiah, then we must ask, who is the Messiah's wife?
  3. Who is the vineyard?
  4. Who then is the structure of the home, the walls or sides inside which the vineyard produces?
  5. How does Matthew say that becoming a member of Jesus' family happens? It is not a biological DNA-based family, but a family indeed, but how?
  6. Who can we consider to be the children in this psalm?
  7. How long will you see Jerusalem in its prosperity?

There are many truths to find in this small but mighty psalm. Let's look into it on Thursday morning.

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