Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Questions for Psalm 33 and its source of power

St. Augustine wrote quite a bit about this psalm, and it is understandable, being as how it is loaded with God's power.

Here are a few questions to start getting your mind wrapped around Psalm 33:

  1. What is the one idea you would use to describe God's Word?
  2. In v. 5 of the Douay-Rheims Psalm 33, it reads "He loves mercy and judgement." Why does mercy come first rather than judgement? Does it happen that way in an earthly court of law?
  3. How is it, in v. 12, that God has an inheritance? Shouldn't it be vice versa?
  4. What is the Lord's dwelling place, from which He surveys all mankind? Think it over carefully.
  5. What is your hope?
It is an interesting psalm to look into, and tomorrow, with coffee and some brainpower, by the Holy Spirit's help, we will start looking into this powerful psalm!
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