Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Psalm 18

The psalm of intense power, 51 verses full with God's grace.
What things soever are spoken in this Psalm which cannot apply to the Lord Himself personally, that is to the Head of the Church, must be referred to the Church. For whole Christ speaks here, in whom are all His members.
- St. Augustine
Let's begin with a few questions:
  1. For David the king, in time of danger, what would he consider to be a band of death, a cord of death that could encompass or encircle him?
  2. What band of death tried to encompass Jesus?
  3. Was David ever trapped underwater or endangered by the sea? If not, who was?
  4. When did David display righteousness when he was in danger?
  5. Have you ever wished for a path through a dangerous place, a perfect path, where you could step and be sure not to fall?
  6. Does v. 12 seem like a description, in a way, of a tabernacle?
    I.e., does it have properties we would expect a normal tabernacle to have?
  7. What happens to hailstones when they land on the ground? How does this compare to God's admonition, as it lands in our heart?
  8. What is it that enlightens our vision? And how is it that God lights a man's lamp, enlightening his vision?

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