Thursday, October 25, 2012

Psalm 126, the psalm of freedom

"When the Lord brought Zion's captives home, at first it seemed like a dream." What noble words to begin this psalm! Only six verses, yet they are powerful.

Here are some additional questions by which to work through this psalm:

  1. How did we get into captivity? Where were we captive?
  2. Are we promised a return to 31.7857°N, 35.2007°E, i.e., to Jerusalem in Israel?
  3. Make a mental list: How many times did Israel become captive? How many people in the Old Testament experienced captivity?
  4. Was Jesus ever a captive? How about the apostles?
  5. What is the nature of Babylon? How would a prophet describe it?
  6. If you follow the Messiah, are you heading home from Babylon or back to captivity?
  7. How easy is it to speak if your mouth is filled?
  8. What does Jesus say about the things that come out of our mouth, our words? How does he rate them?
  9. Literally, the psalmist says, "like torrents in the south," What is the south of Israel like, Deacon Al?
  10. What do we sow, as apostolic Christians?
  11. Where were the returning captives sowing seed?
  12. How many times have you planeted a garden hopefully and weeds take over the garden? Big disaster.
Now we can look into this noble song and really apply it.
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