Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fulfill or deny?

Jesus was faithful to the Torah and supported it. Yet the Pharisees in Matthew Ch. 15 accuse Jesus of ignoring or denying the Torah. Here are a few questions to consider for this part of the gospel.
  1. Dip backwards to the beatitudes in Ch. 5. Which one is Jesus reinforcing in this controversy with the Pharisees?
  2. Where does God the Father really want to see the Torah enacted?
    1. in the design of a temple with plenty of handwashing stations or
    2. in the heart of His people?
  3. Were the Canaanites a clean people who followed the Torah?
  4. How does the Canaanite woman compare to the centurion with the grievously ill slave earlier in the gospel?
  5. How does the Canaanite woman compare to the Pharisees in this chapter?
  6. Where was Jesus, geographically, before and during this second miraculous feeding of another great crowd?

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