Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Big Sixteen

The 16th chapter of Matthew's gospel is loaded with useful, wise information. Here are a few questions to start the study of this big sixteenth chapter.
  1. In Matt. 13:58, Jesus does not work many wonders when his townsmen reject his actions and teachings. Is that episode similar to the beginning of Matthew 16, where Jesus leaves them looking for the sign of Jonah?
  2. Does asking for a sign tell you anything about the faith of the Pharisees and Sadducees?
  3. Is there a time when Jesus has appeared or shall appear with great signs from Heaven? Why aren't signs kosher now, at this point in the walk of Jesus?
  4. Jesus had just fed multitudes twice with miraculous provision of regular food. Was that a sign?
  5. Would the Pharisees and Sadducees have understood what the sign of Jonah was?
  6. Uh oh. In v. 5, the Twelve discover that, once again, they do not have bread. What is it with these guys that they have such bread troubles? How many bread troubles are there in this gospel, anyway?
  7. Jesus figures that the multiplications of loaves should have been fresh in their minds, but they could not comprehend the meaning of it. How does Jesus' multiplication of loaves relate to the false teaching of the Pharisees and Saducees, as Jesus implies?
  8. When Jesus asks the Twelve. "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" what is remarkable about what he finds? Is it a sign?
  9. Does seeing a true sign with accuracy help one to become a doer of the Word?
Let's gaze into God's perfect Torah of freedom tomorrow morning and see what can be made of this business of the signs.

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