Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Big Sixteen, continued

We had some excellent questions last week about seeking signs, but two questions remain for discussion. Here they are, with a few new ones, to stir up the grey matter and get us meditating on this perfect Torah of freedom in Matthew 16:
  1. When Jesus asks the Twelve. "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" what is remarkable about what he finds? Is it a sign? [From last week]
  2. Does seeing a true sign with accuracy help one to become a doer of the Word? [Also from last week]
  3. Which of the beatitudes does Peter display in his answer?
  4. Jesus begins explaining his suffering, death and resurrection here for the first time. Why is it necessary for an apostle to first see and learn the working of miracles and the teaching of the gospel before learning about the crucifixion event?
  5. We recite the creed at Mass, including our faith that our Church is apostolic. What does Matthew 16 teach about an apostolic church?
We have a slough of questions and concepts to discuss in Big Sixteen, but these questions will get us jump started for tomorrow morning.
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