Thursday, August 25, 2011

Feeding many with a few loaves and a few fishes

Here are a few more questions concerning this unusual miracle, the feeding of the multitude by distribution of a few fishes and a few loaves of bread.
  1. Was this one of Jesus' "Make my day" kind of miracles?
  2. Why did Jesus have the Twelve give out the food to the crowds?
  3. Have you ever been in a crowd of five or ten thousand people? Where was it?
  4. How are the ordinary items of food, regular bread and regular fish, like the body of Jesus?
  5. When did the Twelve get to have some food?
  6. What was it like for that little kid who actually had the loaves and fishes?
  7. From Aug. 18th, another question: Why is it that Jesus
    1. teaches the Twelve about feeding the many, or actually DOES feed them,
    2. in association with the Twelve being in boats on the Sea of Galilee, even in danger on the sea?
  8. Which is more important, walking on liquid H2O water or walking toward the Messiah?
OK, let's get after it this morning with these and other questions concerning God's wisdom in the gospel of Matthew.
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