Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Questions to make a beginning.

There are a zillion questions we could ask of this first chapter in Matthew's gospel, but here are a few that will suffice for now:
  1. Was Mary a virgin at the time of conception?

  2. Why were Abraham and David specially mentioned in the genealogy?

  3. What does Matthew mention the exile to Babylon but not the slavery in Egypt?

  4. In the birth of the Messiah,
    • the Infinite is in a womb,
    • He that contains all things is carried, as unborn, by a woman;
    • the Virgin bears, and continues a virgin.
    How did the Spirit frame that Temple?

  5. Did Joseph exhibit out of control behaviors in this time period, which many suppose to be a grievous predicament for an unmarried man?

  6. Why didn't the angel appear to Joseph in a dream earlier, just as Gabriel had come to Mary before conception?

  7. Where in the New Testament is Mary again commended into a new home, as the angel does in v. 20?
Let's begin here on Thursday morning.
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