Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Matthew, second chapter

Some things pop out of one's reading in chapter two of Matthew's gospel.
  1. How is the intention of the magi, to worship the newborn king (verses 2, 11), different from Herod's similarly stated intention?
  2. Herod and the entire city were troubled. What kind of trouble was it?
  3. How many dreams from God are there in chapters 1 and 2?
  4. What is the significance for us in the worship offered by the magi?
  5. What relationship exists between the good magi and Father Abraham?
  6. In v. 13, Herod sets out a plan to destroy the innocent children near Bethlehem, but re-read Rev. 9:1-11, where another king has the name of Destroyer. How did people suffer when that destroyer in Revelation went to work? Was its intention similar to Herod's?
In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, when teaching about Matthew 2, the birth of the Messiah is described in this way: Mary is the burning bush of the definitive revelation of God. So I guess one could say that we have a lot to talk about tomorrow morning. Be ready, and expect the unexpected.
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