Saturday, March 19, 2011

Matthew 2, a few findings

On Thursday past, we spent a lot of time talking about the magi, the Gentile priestly visitors to the newborn Messiah. One question generated a lot of discussion and insights:
  1. What is the significance for us in the worship offered by the magi?
    Some of the men offered insights that are profitable to remember:
    1. Len: The magi were a bit like apostles, except that they were called inwards, to Jerusalem.
    2. Scott: The magi were like the first Christians.

It is interesting to consider how the Lord used the astrologer concepts of the magi to draw them to the Messiah. Len suggested that this is similar to Paul's famous speech to the smart Athenians, where he started form their religious activity and led them to the message of Jesus the Messiah. Each man's life is like that -- called from outside to come in toward the center, Jesus.
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