Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Obadiah, where do we begin?

To begin and end in the same day, we will use the following questions for the study of the prophecy of Obadiah.
  1. Where is Edom, in relation to Jerusalem?
  2. Who was Esau?
  3. According to Amos, what was the violence that Edom did to Israel?
  4. Can you think of a modern day example of similar violence, one nation to another?
  5. Esau is likened to stubble in v. 18. How and when is stubble made?
  6. Why does this prophetic message affect our mission as doers of the Word?
With a cup of coffee and some mental elbow grease, we will tackle this message and develop our muscles to follow the perfect Torah of freedom.
Image: a threshing sledge from Cyprus.
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