Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Some questions in chapter 2

Berlin airlift, 1948

We are gazing into the perfect law of freedom, God's Word. Here are some questions to get you thinking more about this part of James' letter.
  1. Can one truly be a doer of the Word if one plays favorites?
  2. James talks about words and actions. Other people can be deceived by words, but can God be deceived?
  3. James writes in v. 26 about body, spirit, faith and works, viz.
    For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.
    Do you notice anything unusual in this double comparison?
We will dig into God's Word early this Thursday morning, starting with these questions, but let's also be open to God's direction elsewhere if necessary.
Berlin Wall sei verschwunden, 1989!
Berlin wall is down, 1989

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