Wednesday, May 19, 2010


One of our questions last time was, "Which sentence in this chapter would be a good place to start a prayer, a needed prayer, in our parish?" Each of the men had an answer. Here is a rundown:
  1. Carry on the Word -- hard to do with so many temptations to do the opposite.
  2. Be doers of the word and live it out. Be honest. Because the mind can stray even in the middle of prayer.
  3. Being religious is a 24-hour job, especially taking care of widows and the poor.
  4. Free will must be harnessed, because it's pride vs. humility.
  5. Persevere.
  6. This letter is catholic, basis for moral law everyone ought to follow.
  7. It's an exhortation, direct orders, to the leaders in the church of James' day.
  8. The Word is implanted. Live these words!
  9. You hear the Word by choice, so be what you say you are.
It would be an interesting exercise to map these nine prayer concepts into the eucharistic prayer and the other parts of Mass.
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