Thursday, May 27, 2010

Late questions for early morning

Image: Blue Spring, Florida

We will consider again this week the interesting analogy James constructs comparing body and spirit, faith and good works. And then onward into chapter 3 we will spend time thinking and discussing these questions:
  1. In v. 11, James mentions water that is pure and water that is brackish. In the gospels, Jesus uses the image of water in his teachings, too. What does Jesus teach about using the image of water?
  2. James does not recommend that one must keep his mouth shut. Instead, what does James recommend for handling the power of the tongue?
  3. SNEAK PEEK: Does the first verse of chapter 4 have anything to do with the James' admonitions about the power of the tongue?
Get ready to get down to the nitty gritty with these questions in chapter 3 of James' letter today.

Image above right: Gestapo roundup, WW II [Courtesy of the Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team]

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