Sunday, May 30, 2010

Questions concerning James 4

We gaze into the perfect Law of freedom, and it is like looking in a mirror. Therefore, to become a doer of the Word, we must attend to our own actions. In this chapter of James' letter, there is one concept repeated: humble yourselves. Here are some questions to help sharpen our view in the mirror:
  1. There are many action words in this chapter: make war, covet, possess and so on. Which of the actions James describes are typical of the enemy that prowls the world seeking the ruin of souls?
  2. In contrast, which of the actions are the actions we see in the great saints like Blessed Charles Lwanga and his companions?
  3. Jesus also lived out many of the actions James describes. Which actions?
  4. Combo question: which of the actions of Jesus and the saints (questions 2 and 3) are absolutely impossible for the enemy to attempt?
  5. How many different works of mercy are there, anyway?
  6. Now that you have looked in the mirror... which of the actions of Jesus and the saints can you improve on in your own life?
See you early on Thursday morning!
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