Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mysterious Parables

The 16th chapter of Luke's gospel contains some mysterious parables. Here are a few questions we can tackle:
  1. What are we to make of the parable of the dishonest steward? Jesus recommending dishonesty? That cannot be it. But how do we understand it?
  2. Is it wrong to give alms from ill gotten gains?
  3. We are not physically taking care of an orchard or farm, most of us, yet we must consider ourselves stewards. Who are our debtors, what is the debt, and what does changing the promissory note mean for us?
  4. When the unjust steward uses the fake promissory note trick, is that theft? From whom?
  5. What was the unjust steward supposed to have been doing BEFORE the rich man fires him?
It is a lot to think over, but by the grace of the Holy Ghost we can find God's wisdom.
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