Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mysterious parables, curious teaching

We finished last week on the question concerning an unusual juxtaposition of Jesus' teaching with two somewhat contradictory parables. We will begin this week with that question, then continue deeper, viz.
  1. Jesus directs us to renounce the earthly relationships and possessions. Does that square with the parables of counting the cost in verses 28-32, in which one carefully accounts for the things one has?
  2. Again, Jesus cautions, what if salt itself loses its taste? Salt ought to retain its flavor, yet we ought to renounce our possessions? How does that square up?
  3. Now a few additional questions:
  4. Renouncing all earthly possessions -- did Jesus ever do that?
  5. Is it okay to go through life without friends except for God?
We will continue into Chapter 15 today.
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