Thursday, June 27, 2013


The 16th chapter of Dr. Luke's gospel is loaded with profound teachings, including the story of Lazarus. Here are some questions to get our brains in motion:
  1. Is Lazarus in heaven now?
  2. What was the first step here on Earth for a person who, eventually, dies and goes to heaven?
  3. Is Abraham’s bosom the same as purgatory? Is it in Hell?
  4. Why are there so many different abodes for souls after death? Shouldn’t there only be two, heaven and hell?
  5. Why should a sinner like the rich man even get to see an instant of the reward of Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham?
  6. Wasn’t it unfair that the rich man does not get a break, an extra chance?
  7. Why didn’t the rich man treat Lazarus with kindness during his earthly life?
  8. If we could, in our actions and words, live out the prayer of the Our Father, we would be really in God’s will. Do the actions of the rich man go against the Our Father?
  9. Is there only one judgement after death, as seen with Lazarus and the rich man, or, in the case of the repentant thief, or is it that there are two judgements?
That is a huge amount to think over, but by God's grace, we can look into it.
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