Thursday, January 17, 2013

New questions, chapter 4

After finishing up chapter 3 concepts this morning, we will begin to look into chapter 4. Here are a few questions to work with:
  1. The Greek word used by Dr. Luke for being tempted has a strong meaning, to make a proof of Jesus, to make a trial of Jesus. What do we do in normal 21st century life to make a trial of something or someone?
  2. Why would sending Jesus to a proving ground be helpful to God the Father's plan?
  3. What is our proving ground?
  4. If the demons knew that Jesus was the Son of God, v. 41, then why did the enemy try to prove it?
  5. Why did the enemy apply his trial at the end of the forty day fast?
  6. You look over a Corvette. Its color is red. Does checking its color prove a Corvette is fast?
  7. A prosecutor interrogates a witness to a crime, up on the witness stand. He asks the witness if he likes the Minnesota Vikings. How would the defense attorney react to this kind of questioning?

We will go over more questions, and see if they can apply to our own lives and our parish.

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