Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dr. Luke in the 5th chapter

We now look into the fifth chapter of Dr. Luke's gospel. A few questions to ask are these:
  1. Right after taking in a huge catch of fish, Peter asks Jesus to depart from him. Why would he say something like that?
  2. Can you think of anyone else who has behaved as Peter did?
  3. Jesus famously counseled the "rich young man" about seeking perfection, "If you would be perfect...". So how could the notorious IRS man Levi dare to follow Jesus?
  4. What was wrong about the Pharisees and scribes complaining about Levi and the other notorious sinners at Levi's big dinner?
  5. What did Jesus pray about?

There is a lot to think about in this first part of Luke 5. Let us look into it.

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