Thursday, January 24, 2013

More in Ch. 4

Here are some additional questions for finishing chapter 4 of Dr. Luke's gospel:
  1. When Jesus brings up the widow in Sidon and Naaman the Syrian general, is it a way of rejecting the Jews from His salvation?
  2. Does the set of three sentences and one exclamation from the demon, v. 34, make sense? What does that set of words signify?
  3. What miraculous act did Jesus do in Capernaum other than expelling demons and curing sicknesses?
  4. The folks in Nazareth, the home town of Jesus, did not expect that they would experience a miracle. But did they experience something miraculous?
  5. Is Nazareth in Judea?
  6. The prophet Isaiah testifies about Jesus in one way, and the demons in another way. What is the difference between these to messages?
There are a lot of reactions to Jesus in this section vv. 16-44. We can place ourselves there, in thought, and thereby gauge our own faith and the readiness of our own soul for this message.
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