Sunday, May 13, 2012

What we found

Some of the more important comments and findings of the men this past Thursday morning:
  1. The chief priests and Pharisees caused the Messiah's tomb to be sealed against mischief from dishonest disciples. Did their action, sealing the tomb, work for their purposes or for God's? Why did Matthew include this?(question #9 last Thursday)
    1. Len: This clarifies the position of the apostles. Later on, in Acts, one can then see the Holy Spirit really operating in the apostles.
    2. Bob: 2000 years later, we can understand their doubts.
    3. Scott: It is the literal details that make you sit up and take notice.
    4. St. John Chrysostom: But mark thou, I pray you, the disciples' love of truth, how they conceal from us none of the things that are said by His enemies, though they use opprobrious language.
  2. If the crucifixion was such a defeat (as the Enemy viewed it), then why does the angel feature it, saying "Jesus the crucified" when addressing the women in v. 5? (question #3 last Thursday)
    1. Al: All you have to do is read the next verse!
    2. St. John Chrysostom: The angel is not ashamed to call Him "crucified" for this is the chief of the blessings.

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