Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Crucifixion

We call it a sorrowful mystery, a sorrowful event, and rightly so. The crucifixion of the Messiah is the center of history. That being the case, we ought to look into it with patience, seeking the depths of its meaning. At the surface, we can begin with a few questions, viz.
  1. The centurion and his squad declare, "Truly, this was the Son of God." Peter also made a similar declaration. How is Peter's declaration different from that of the centurion?
  2. How many signs can you see in this description of the crucifixion?
  3. These signs, here at the crucifixion, were there similar signs when He was walking the Earth? What does this tell you?
  4. Based on your answer to the previous question, how ought the people of Jerusalem to have reacted to what they saw?
  5. How did the centurion react, even after having heard all the jeering of the crowd and having supervised the actual nailing to the Cross?
  6. At the death of the Messiah, Matthew uses a Greek verb, αφηκεν, to release, when Jesus released His spirit. It is a very commonly used in the ancient world and full of meaning. How does that verb signify the power of Jesus to the very end?
  7. The veil in the Temple is rent in two. Does this signify disaster coming to the Temple or a good opening of the tabernacle to all?
  8. Joseph of Arimathea was a member of the council, yet boldly went forward to claim the body of the Messiah. Does he remind you of anyone in this our day?
  9. The chief priests and Pharisees caused the Messiah's tomb to be sealed against mischief from dishonest disciples. Did their action, sealing the tomb, work for their purposes or for God's?
  10. What basis do the chief priests and Pharisees have for expecting the eleven to steal a dead body?
Let's look into this event and see what God the Father wants us to learn.
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