Sunday, May 20, 2012

Some of the things we found in Matthew's gospel.

Over the past several months of studying Matthew's gospel, we have considered a large set of questions. From our prayer and discussion, we have found many things of note:
  1. What is the significance for us in the worship offered by the magi?
    1. Len: The magi were a bit like apostles, except that they were called inwards, to Jerusalem.
    2. Scott: The magi were like the first Christians.
    3. It is interesting to consider how the Lord used the astrologer concepts of the magi to draw them to the Messiah. Len suggested that this is similar to Paul's famous speech to the smart Athenians, where he started form their religious activity and led them to the message of Jesus the Messiah. Each man's life is like that -- called from outside to come in toward the center, Jesus.
  2. Regarding the judgement in Matthew 25:31-46, is there matching truth in the Beatitudes of Matthew ch. 5?
    1. Len: the King divides the sheep from the goats on the basis of pure hearts. That is, the sheep had pure hearts, and the goats did not.
    2. Ken: the persecution that comes when people mock you for serving the poor and doing the right thing.
  3. Why would this silence of Jesus before Ponius Pilate be so stunning, so curious, to Pontius Pilate? What does it tell us?
    1. Bob: When Jesus stands mute, he is making no excuses, not making a cop out, volunteering nothing that can be twisted.
  4. If the crucifixion was such a defeat (as the Enemy viewed it), then why does the angel feature it, saying "Jesus the crucified" when addressing the women in v. 5?
    1. Al: All you have to do is read the next verse!
  5. Why does everybody keep telling the women not to be afraid?
    1. Dave: They still do not grasp the full concept of there Lord's resurrection.
    2. Ken: We'd probably be more like the guards, who feinted dead away!
    3. Al:The fact that there was an angel shows that God knew they'd need help to get across the bridge to understanding.
  6. What were the women doing there at the tomb, anyway?
    1. Dave: corporal works of mercy.
    2. Len: Following the Torah faithfully, especially the command to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
  7. When was the last time you hugged the feet of anyone?
    1. Al: Other than Publisher's Clearing House... X
    2. Len: It reminds you of Mary in the house of Lazarus. Martha was hustling and bustling with fixing the meal, but Mary sat at the Lord's feet to listen.

Image: Brooklyn Bridge in 1918.

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