Thursday, February 9, 2012

Woe and the beginning of sorrows

Woe to the Pharisees, sayeth the Lord (Matthew 23). But would any of us escape the same scrutiny? Here are a few questions we could usefully ask:
  1. Can one make a useful set of questions, an examination of conscience, from these words of the Lord, as a preparation for the sacrament of confession?

    Now some questions about Matthew 24:
  2. Did the Twelve expect to escape trouble?
  3. What is the nature of the trouble that is coming? Who is it that comes against Jerusalem and the Church?
  4. WHo has love, that their love maybe can go cold?
  5. Will love exist in those who preach this gospel of the kingdom perseveringly?
  6. What is the abomination of desolation?
It is an interesting admonition to persevere. As St. John Chrysostom wrote:
O strange and wonderful facts! Countless myriads of Jews did the Romans then subdue, and they did not prevail over twelve men fighting against them naked and unarmed. What language can set forth this miracle?

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