Sunday, February 19, 2012

There's a river around here somewhere

From Isaiah,

See, I am doing something new!

Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

In the wilderness I make a way,

in the wasteland, rivers.

When my brother and I used to take Boy Scouts on hikes, we constantly had to urge them on, "Just a little bit farther," because my brother and I knew the trail. But if it had been in the desert, we might have said, "Yeah, there's a river around here somewhere." According to God's promise, He will place a river in the waste lands.

It makes me think of the four men in the gospel reading. "That Jesus guy has got to be in here somewhere. Let's pull up this roof and see what we can see." Action based on good faith, and their friend's sins were forgiven, with physical healing, too. Excellent
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