Thursday, February 16, 2012

Continue in Ch. 24

We will continue to look into Ch. 24 of Matthew's Gospel today, starting with one leftover question from last week.
  1. What is the abomination of desolation?
  2. Now some new questions...
  3. How will the Twelve prevail in the time of trouble? What trait will see them to victory?
  4. What does it mean to preach as a witness, instead of preaching for belief?
  5. True or false? The Roman army and the government of Rome was very hospitable and accommodating to the Twelve and other early apostles.
  6. If the people of Jerusalem could be expected to return safely, would they be asked to take their clothes and other belongings when escaping? What does Jesus communicate in this direction, to drop everything?
  7. Why does God allow grievous destruction of Jerusalem but not a total wipe out of the people of Jerusalem?
  8. Side question: WHy doesn't Blessed John mention the destruction of Jerusalem in his gospel account?
  9. Does Jesus skip a beat when describing the destruction of Jerusalem, THEN the signs of His coming?
  10. When Jesus was born, it was fitting that a herald should precede Him, known as John the Baptizer. At His second coming, will that be necessary?
We will get to work with these and a few other questions, asking the Holy Spirit to help us, this early morning.
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