Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Follow up questions

Last Thursday, we tackled four question from chapter 8, but we still have a few more to look over, plus a few new ones to follow up on that discussion:
  1. How many times in this chapter does Matthew use the verb, to follow?
  2. If you follow Jesus for healing, is that the same as following him for obedience, as a disciple?
  3. How do you, as an individual, follow Jesus or not follow him?
    1. like the crowds?
    2. like a disciple?
    3. like the two men from the tombs?
    4. like the centurion?
    5. like the swineherds?
    6. like the town's people
Let's tackle these questions tomorrow, gazing into the perfect Torah of freedom, as we work harder and harder at becoming doers of the Word.
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