Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sea of Galilee and chapter 9

We have still not finished tackling some of the chapter 8 questions concerning the Sea of Galilee.
  1. The scribe and the disciple in vv. 19 - 22 got different lessons from the Messiah -- different but similar, too. How were they similar? How was Jesus using his word like a scalpel to differentiate each individual from other things?
  2. Is the Sea of Galilee dangerous? How does it figure into the story of the men crossing in the boat and into the story of the two demon possessed men?
  3. How does this sea figure into Jesus' teaching? Does it relate to the previous stories of healing and freedom from possession?

This is OK, because we have some Sea of Galilee information in chapter 9, which we will also discuss tomorrow. Here are some questions to use for reading ahead.

  1. In verse 1, we see that Jesus embarked in ship again and came to his own city. How long was He over in the Gadarene side of the Sea of Galilee, five minutes or so?
  2. How is the story of the paralytic a model for prayer for us who are not paralytics?
  3. Did Jesus challenge the paralytic to get up and follow as a disciple?
  4. At the banquet with the IRS men, the Pharisees make an inquiry with the disciples. Why didn't they inquire with Jesus?
  5. How is Matthew the tax man connected to the paralytic?
  6. Does Barack Obama do his own mending of worn out clothes? How many household chores does he handle each day?
  7. What is the relation between the idea of "new wine" and the Bridegroom Jesus?
  8. Consider the centurion in chapter 8 and the ruler in chapter 9 -- two very different men, yet there are some similarities in their stories. What similarities can you see?
  9. How is the woman cured of hemorrhage connected to the ruler's daughter whom Jesus raises back to life?
There is a lot to learn, and it will be good to gaze carefully into this section of God's message tomorrow morning. Be ready and expect the unexpected.
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