Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Some of the comments from the men last Thursday:
  1. Leprosy is an illness, a difficult kind of bacterial infection, but it is also a figure for a specific spiritual state. What spiritual state is that?
    1. Dave: confession is the antibiotic.
  2. What is the command structure in which the centurion lives and operates? How does the centurion's experience of authority affect his ability to see Jesus accurately and his readiness to believe?
    1. Joe: the centurion understood God's "command" structure, i.e., that Jesus is obedient to the Father.
    2. Al: The centurion puts himself under Jesus' command structure.
    3. Scott: You have to ask yourself, why does the centurion speak up for his lowest "man" -- actually it was a boy -- and does not ask anything for himself?
    4. Dave: All good commanders consider all their men.
    5. Joe: The example in the centurion of God's compassion for all in Jesus' command.

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