Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dip into Chapter 6 of Matthew

Will you dip forward into Ch. 6 of Matthew's Gospel? We may begin with the following questions:
  1. Pop culture, which actor turned politician said "Who is your Daddy and what does he do?"
  2. Starting with Genesis, read the Old Testament – when is God first identified as Father. Hint; if you read past Exodus 4:22 you went to far.
  3. What will be your recompense for following Jesus’ teaching on alms giving, prayer and fasting?
  4. Read the Lord’s prayer; meditate on the following and come ready to discuss:
    1. Our Father in heaven
    2. Hallowed be your name
    3. your kingdom come
    4. your will be done
    5. Give us this day our daily bread
    6. Forgive use our debts
    7. Do not subject use to the final test
  5. What is the petition said by the priest after the Lord’s Prayer and before the Doxology? How is this relevant to Jesus’ teaching on Dependence on God?

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