Monday, March 1, 2010

Answers from final exam!

Some of the answers from the 1 Peter final exam:
  1. What is an example of everyday spiritual sacrifice that a member of the royal priesthood can offer to God in this our day?
    1. Love one another.
    2. corporal works of mercy
    3. celebrate Mass
  2. What is the most valuable lesson you learned from Peter in this letter?
    1. Evil happens that good may come out of it.
    2. Trust God.
    3. God the Father spoke to Peter directly.
    4. We are aliens in this world. We must work to keep away from earthly desires, wage war against the evil one, maintain good conduct, do good works and be Christ's feet, hands, eyes and ears.

Question 4 asked what Peter's examples were for being stewards of God's manifold grace. The options were
  1. serving, with the strength that God Himself gives
  2. figuring out calculus equations
  3. going on a nice cruise to the Bahamas
  4. retiring to Florida or Nordonia, Ohio
Curiously, no one selected options B, C or D. :)

Even though option B seems facetious, I include it as a serious point, that our covenant is available to little children, so it is not something that only an egghead scientist can savvy. It is simple enough for little ones to hold, yet lofty enough to rest the eloquent St. Thomas Aquinas. Good.

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