Thursday, February 25, 2010


Some of the comments from today's session, concerning the promises that Messiah Jesus made to Peter.
  1. Sal: You are ROCK, and on this rock, I build my Church.
  2. Scott: He who believes in me has eternal life. I am the bread of life.
  3. German: I will send the Paraclete.
  4. Joe: the Lord promised the Eucharist. See John's gospel, chapter 6.
  5. Someone mentioned the words of our Lord in Mark 8:33, "Get behind me, you satan," spoken to Peter, but Jim pointed out, no, that is not a promise. It is more like a 2×4.
  6. Sal: just think of the prayer after communion, or St. Thomas Aquinas' Anima Christi
    Soul of Christ, be my sanctification.

    Body of Christ, be my salvation.

    Blood of Christ, fill all my veins.

    Water of Christ's side, fill all my veins...
  7. German: the Paraclete and the Eucharist promises are linked. Just look at John 6:63.
So when Peter the Apostle talks about the promises he passes on, they are some great promises! Thanks, Peter!
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