Thursday, February 11, 2010

Some questions to work with today

We will read into chapter 4 of Peter's first letter today. Here are some questions to work with:

  1. In verse 1, Peter writes that we should arm ourselves with the same attitude, the same mind as the Messiah. Where is another place in the New Testament that enjoins us to do the same thing?
  2. How does a believer act if he wants to be rated a good steward of God's manifold grace?
  3. What kind of "trials by fire" did Peter and the Church experience? How do they compare to our trials today?
  4. Where does Peter refer to the apocalypse? How does he ask us to prepare for it?
  5. Have you ever
    1. suffered simply because you are a Christian
    2. AND
    3. simultaneously had a heart of praise glorifying God?

  6. Peter's statement in verse 17, that judgement begins in the household of God -- how does this affect your evangelistic attitude?
Let's look into these and other questions today at Thursday Morning Men's Bible Study.
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