Monday, March 8, 2010

Moses and Peter

St. Peter, from 2nd century catacombs, and a sketch of Moses by Raphael

Our readings this Sunday included Exodus, Moses and the burning bush, when he was on Mount Horeb, the mountain of God and God spoke to him. It made me think about Peter's experience on Mount Tabor when he heard God's voice from the shining cloud. Peter mentions it several times in his two letters.

It is interesting to think about Peter's responsibility, as chief apostle, leading the elect, the early Church, toward the eternal kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
  1. As Peter walked 30 miles up to Caesarea to see Cornelius, did he think about Moses traveling back to Egypt to help the Israelites?
  2. When he reminded his flock to remember and never forget the manifold grace of God, did he think of Moses doing the same thing, telling the Israelites to place his words on their hearts?
  3. Did he smile when he thought about Moses in the bulrushes, floating in his tiny papyrus boat, plucked out to safety and eventually to a rescue mission, just as he himself had been plucked out of his fishing boat to become a fisher of men?

As Deacon Al frequently suggests, it helps to meditate upon the lives of the people we meet in the Bible. Moses and Peter and their similar responsibilities are a good meditation.

His ways were revealed to Moses, mighty deeds to the people of Israel.

Merciful and gracious is the LORD, slow to anger, abounding in kindness.

But the LORD'S kindness is forever, toward the faithful from age to age.

He favors the children's children of those who keep his covenant, who take care to fulfill its precepts.

The LORD'S throne is established in heaven; God's royal power rules over all.

Bless the LORD, all creatures, everywhere in God's domain. Bless the LORD, my soul!

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